What does the cooperation look like

PV project development path

  1. Choice of investment location

    Determining a suitable location is the first and most crucial stage of the project. It has a substantial impact on the installation’s capacity, the level of electricity produced and the investment outlay. Is your land suitable for a photovoltaic farm? Check out the five criteria which determine its suitability.

  2. Analysis of the local spatial development plan or the decision on land development conditions

    When selecting land for an investment, the area where it is located should be analysed in advance regarding the currently binding planning documents.

  3. Obtaining the ownership title to the land

    The essence of this stage is to determine the ownership form of which the legal title to the property arises. In most cases, investors use the ownership right to the land or the so-called contractual relationship.

  4. Administrative procedures

    An extensive and time-consuming project stage that determines the formal and legal aspects of the investment

  5. Exclusion of land from agricultural production

    Applies to the land of bonitation classes I to III, but we do not recommend this option due to the high fees for agricultural land deforestation.

  6. Documentation for the application of terms and conditions for connection to the energy network

    At this stage of the project, a decision on land development conditions is required, or if an extract from the local spatial development plan is adopted.

  7. Building permit and concession promise

    This is the last stage of the project before the investment starts. This document guarantees the investor’s security who starts his activity in a given project by investing financial resources

  8. Construction and commissioning of a photovoltaic farm

  9. Obtaining the concession

    Applies to investors who wish to generate electricity from renewable energy sources with a total installed electrical capacity of no less than 500 kW. They want to store it, sell it to the network or distribute it. At this stage, you need to complete the documentation for the entire project and submit an application to the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) for auctioning.

  10. The start of electricity generation

Join us for a green tomorrow

“Due to the deliberate decision to move away from fossil fuels in energy and transport, both at the European community level and in the domestic market, there is no dilemma today as to whether to develop and invest in RES.”

Wojciech A. Romaniszyn, CEO of the company E-Wind SA

Structure of installed capacity in Poland during 2019 in GW

Total: 47.40 GW | Source: Energy Forum

Installed RES capacity in Poland during 2019 in GW

Total: 9.5 GW | Source: Energy Forum

Financial support
from the EU and the State

Secure passive income for the next 29 years

Estimated annual revenue from the production of energy for 1 MW farm about 400 000 PLN

Financial stability of the investment

Participation in the green energy market

Maintenance-free and failure-free investment


Do you want to know more? Read our article


E-Wind SA - a synergy of business and care for a "green tomorrow."

We are a developer of wind and photovoltaic projects, which we also implement “turnkey”. We take care of the entire project process, from preparing the necessary documents, obtaining administrative decisions, including permits, to connecting to the electrical grid.

We are the first in Poland to develop and implement the concept of using green hydrogen as a systemic solution to store energy produced by RES-based generation during off-peak demand hours.

Bet on experience and trust the professionals. In 2001 we commissioned Poland’s first professional wind farm in Barzowice near Darlowo in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, consisting of 6 Vestas V52 wind turbines with a total capacity 5.1 MW.

We are looking forward to cooperating with: Investors, Municipalities and local authorities, Landowners and project owners.

Get to know us more!


Green hydrogen - the energy of tomorrow

Do you want to optimise your project financially and ensure your full energy independence? Opt for green hydrogen and build a green hydrogen production plant with us.

Renewable energy sources (RES) are entirely dependent on nature, making them completely unprogrammable. Technology-based on so-called green hydrogen can balance RES by allowing energy to be stored when the energy produced is not needed on the network and released when it is in demand.

Learn more

Knowledge base


Are you interested in renewable energy sources? Visit our blog and expand your knowledge.

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Below you will find the opinions of our satisfied partners

Are you interested in buying a wind or PV project, or do you own land? Please write a message or give us a call

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Sprawdź, jakie korzyści może zyskać gmina lub inna organizacja samorządowa

Własna farma fotowoltaiczna to doskonały sposób na zaspokojenie potrzeb energetycznych gminnej infrastruktury, ale również kilka dodatkowych wymiernych korzyści:

  • niezależność energetyczna,
  • mniejsze rachunki za energie,
  • korzyści finansowe z tytułu sprzedaży nadwyżek energii  do sieci,
  • sposób na zagospodarowanie zdegradowanych terenów poprzemysłowych,
  • długofalowa oszczędność w budżecie,
  • status gminy przyjaznej środowisku,
  • dofinansowanie z UE oraz Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego.
  • 0 MW

    moc farmy fotowoltaicznej

  • 0

    szacowana korzyć finansowa z tytułu sprzedaży nadwyżek energii do sieci w skali roku

  • 0 MWh

    roczna produkcja energii elektrycznej

  • 0

    szacowana oszczędność na rachunkach w skali roku

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